Safety for Female Travellers Course
How to respond to harassment and other unsafe situations during travel and work abroad
After the meeting you join the group for drinks. The atmosphere is great and you are having a good time. You find yourself in an animated discussion with a director of a possible future partner organisation.
He is standing very close to you and you ask him to give you some room. The man keeps focussed on you and now puts a hand on your shoulder. This makes you feel very uncomfortable. You made yourself clear, didn’t you? What to do? How to get out of this situation?
The Safety for Female Travellers Course enables you to de-escalate and steer situations in the right direction. After this course you have the tools and confidence to deal with situations when travelling. That way you can focus on your mission.
Hyper-realistic training
During this course, we will practice using real situations. This enables you to learn how to control and deescalate a situation.
Highest quality
We are an ISO 9001:2015, Cedeo and CRKBO certified organisation to make sure you receive the best learning experience you ever had.
Safe learning environment
We have an extra psychosocial trained staff member present to guarantee a safe learning environment.
Why choose a Safety for Female Travellers Course?
This course is specific for female travellers
Working in complex environments, female travelers can be confronted with harassment and other threatening situations. Especially when traveling and working abroad you must be able to deal with these situations with confidence and determination. During this course, we stage situations that women often encounter abroad.
What to expect:
- This is a practical course with lots of exercises and simulations.
- Your private experiences stay private and we do not expect you to share them. During this course, we focus on preventing situations in the future.
- This is not a self-defense course. This course enables you to defuse situations before they escalate.

Practice through realistic simulations
We believe in the power of exercising and simulations.
The focus of this course is not on theory but on practising situations in a safe environment.
Together with the actor we will stage many different situations in different settings.
You will get a chance to practise effective ways to defuse situations.

Safe learning environment
Anyone can take part in our training. Your personal safety and well-being are our primary concern.
Before and during the course, you can share prior experiences with the trainer. She can discreetly adapt the course for you to make sure this will be the best and safest learning experience you ever had.
As this is a female only training, the course is facilitated by a female trainer, the actor is male.

17 years
Training experience
Trained participants
Courses per year
Information about the Safety for Female Travellers Course
For whom?
Female staff working and/or travelling in unsafe areas.
If you are travelling to an area which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has classified as unsafe, this course is the right course for you.
Further information
Language: English (incompany also in Dutch)
Duration: 1 day (8 hours)
Start time: 08:30
End time: 16:30
Breakdown of time: 30% theory, 30% practice, 40% simulations
Group size: maximum 9
Location: Soesterberg, The Netherlands
Dietary wishes: vegetarian/vegan/pescatarier/other meals
Certification: on completion of the course you will receive a certificate.
Acceptance: You can join this course without pre-training.
Costs: € 695,-
Including food & beverage*, all course materials and VAT.
* Food & beverage are automatically reserved for all participants during the course.
Dates and location Safety for Female Travellers Course

All our training courses take place at Conference Hotel Kontakt der Kontinenten. Address: Amersfoortsestraat 20, 3769 AS Soesterberg (The Netherlands).
What participants say about our Safety for Female Travellers Course

``Most useful was discussing real-life situations and getting input & tips from the trainer Jolanda and the co-participants.``

``I learned that I can have trust in myself to be clear and that I can say no to unwanted attention/behaviour.``

``Good to practice and be reminded and realise that certain behaviour is just not ok towards you.``