HEAT Training for the Ukrainian Response

HEAT Course for travellers to Ukraine

The war against Ukraine caused widespread suffering.  Many humanitarian aid organisations are preparing to step up their activities and bring much-needed relief.

But the security situation is hampering the relief efforts. 

If you want to deliver services in Ukraine, preparation is key. Making sure your colleagues are ready is paramount before sending them abroad.

HEAT courses (Hostile Environment Awareness Training) are an outstanding way to ensure that people on the ground can deal with insecure situations. It also helps them mentally to deal with a possible crisis.

The courses are organised in The Netherlands, in the vicinity of Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. This makes it easy for you to catch a HEAT training before flying to the Eastern part of Europe. 

The Netherlands is designated as a “green” low-risk environment. This allows for a safe and secure learning environment, far from the hostilities.

Most organisations choose the three-day Basic HEAT course. Another option is the five-day Advanced HEAT course. 

Making sure your organisation is up to the task in Ukraine is paramount. Please contact us if you need more information.