INSSA-CSD Excellence Awards

INSSA-CSD Excellence Awards

International NGO Safety & Security Association (INSSA) and the Centre for Safety and Development (CSD) are excited to launch the first INSSA – CSD Excellence Awards to recognise and celebrate non-profit NGO Security Risk Management excellence at the community, country, and regional levels.

We will soon invite applications for the following award categories:

– Rising Star:   The candidate for this category must be a security risk management (SRM) professional under 35 years of age or having less than five (05) years of NGO SRM experience (one of the two conditions must be met) who has demonstrated potential and commitment to Non-Profit NGO Security Risk Management.

– SRM Innovator:   The candidate for this category must have displayed innovative SRM concepts or practices, introduced or developed new systems, or created SRM models that have successfully been applied at the community, country, or regional level.

– Outstanding Achiever:  The candidate applying for this category must have displayed superior SRM leadership in all essential SRM competencies (1) Risk Assessment/Principles; (2) Policies and Protocols; (3) Leadership, Management, and Implementation; and (4) Critical Incident Response.


– The candidate MUST be a current INSSA member and must have held INSSA membership for at least one year.
– MUST have completed the SRMP-Country Level Certification.
– MUST be working at the community, country, or regional level instead of holding a global position.
– MUST be willing to provide two professional references, including one from current supervisor (if employed).

Candidates will be able to apply for multiple categories if they meet the criteria using a single application form and increase their chances to win.